Rebel Robotics

"Changing the culture, one nut and bolt at a time"



Download the example part used in this video (.ipt)

Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 511 MB)

Topics Covered:
0:38 - Inventor Home Page
1:08 - File Types
2:15 - Inventor UI
3:25 - Saving a Part to the Server
7:12 - Creating a 2D Sketch
9:15 - Extruding a Sketch
10:10 - Editing an Extrusion
10:45 - Editing a Sketch
11:27 - Controlling the View
13:23 - Creating Sketches on Faces of Parts

Assignment: Simple Part

Create your own, original simple part (i.e. cube, sphere, triangular prism) using the skills introduced in this lesson. Make sure to use multiples sketches with extrusions/revolves.

If you need help, you may download the example part file above to guide you.

When you’re done, just mark the assignment on Google Classroom as done and that will be an indication to us that your assignment in your folder is complete. Don't submit anything to classroom; we will instead just look in your folder.


Download the example part used in this video (.ipt)

Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 366 MB)

Topics Covered:
0:43 - 2D Fillet and Chamfer
1:54 - 3D Fillet and Chamfer
2:40 - Rectangular Pattern Tool
4:24 - Circular Pattern Tool
6:39 - Mirror Tool
7:32 - Making Holes
8:24 - Creating Text
11:58 - Changing Appearance
13:53 - Measure Tool

Assignment: Complex Part

Play around and make your own complex part using the skills introduced in this lesson. Make sure you use the different tools listed above, and make sure you add text and change the appearance of your part.

If you need help, you may download the example part file above to guide you.

When you’re done, just mark the assignment on Google Classroom as done and that will be an indication to us that your assignment in your folder is complete. Don't submit anything to classroom; we will instead just look in your folder.

Mini-Lesson: How to Read a Drawing

Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 38.8 MB)

Assignment: Plasma Cutter/CNC Part

Using the drawing PDF below ("2018 Intake Plates Drawing"), CAD the intake plates that we used in our 2018 Power Up robot. This requires the use of many skills previously learned, including lots of dimensioning, rectangular patterns, and mirroring. You may also need to use a bit of math to find dimensions that are not explicitly listed in the drawing. Finally, extrude the sketch by 0.125 in.

If you need help, there is a page of hints in the drawing PDF below. We have also made a video detailing how to read a drawing, which is above.

When you’re done, submit the assignment the same way as usual. You know the drill. And congrats — you have just CADded a part that we used in the plasma cutter!

Bonus Assignment: CAD the hatch grabber that we used in our 2019 Deep Space robot. See the second drawing PDF below. This is optional but great practice!



Download the example part used in the lesson (.ipt)

Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 444 MB)

Topics Covered:
0:21 - Opening an Assembly
0:34 - Assembly UI
0:48 - Placing a Part
2:18 - Free Move and Free Rotate
2:34 - Grounding a Part
3:13 - Constraining Parts - Mate
5:17 - Constraining Parts - Flush
7:37 - Constraining Parts - Offset
9:42 - Deleting and Editing Constraints

Assignment: Simple Assembly

Assemble the parts below using the different mates/constraints introduced in this lesson. Start off by downloading the parts, unzipping them, and copying them to your folder. Then, make a new assembly file and "place" the parts into your assembly. Then you can begin constraining them together however you like, as long as you make sure to use mates, flushes, and offsets. You may place as many of each part as you want.

When you’re done, submit the assignment the same way as usual. You know the drill. And congrats — you have just created your first assembly! You will be working with assemblies A LOT from now on.


Lesson 5A (Robot Parts)

Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 959 MB)

Topics Covered:
0:38 - Stock
1:44 - Gussets
6:25 - Shafts
7:55 - Spacers
8:43 - Bearings
10:44 - Lock Collars
11:40 - Couplers
12:23 - Hubs
13:02 - Gears
14:01 - Motors
15:10 - Gearboxes
16:44 - Sprockets
17:57 - Belts and Pulleys
18:42 - VersaBlock
20:23 - Wheels
22:02 - Pneumatics
22:50 - Electronics

Lesson 5B (Vex Assembly)

Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 1.06 GB)

Topics Covered:
0:30 - Parts Library and Server
5:30 - Placing Assemblies Within Assemblies
6:40 - A Few Words…
7:17 - Constraining Bearings
9:25 - Constraining Hex Shafts
12:35 - Constraining Items on Hex Shafts
14:20 - Constraining Stock Using Gussets
20:48 - Cutting Stock
24:30 - Putting Bearing Holes in 1x2 Stock
27:18 - Downloading Parts From VexPro Website

Assignment: Vex Assembly

Assemble the assembly shown in the drawing file below using your knowledge of assemblies and constraints. There is a parts list in the Google Doc below.

This assembly is similar to our intake elevator on our 2018 robot, except it doesn't have the actual elevator parts that go on the sides. However, it provides a nice variety of different parts to constrain.

If you need help, there is also a brief list of steps in the Google Doc below to get you started.

When you’re done, submit the assignment the same way as usual. You know the drill. And congrats — you have just created your first Vex assembly! You will be working with these assemblies A LOT from now on.



Download lesson video for offline viewing (.mp4, 1.25 GB)

Topics Covered:
0:29 - Piston Assembly
15:06 - Advanced Constraints
21:14 - Belt/Pulley Assemblies
30:12 - Sprocket/Chain Assemblies
36:42 - Orienting Assemblies

It all comes down to this.

When designing this CAD course, we didn't want to make your final assignment just some random, insignificant thing. Sure, we wanted it to be challenging. Sure, we wanted it to encompass everything you have learned. Sure, we wanted it to be a big assignment. Yet, we wanted it to be something meaningful — we wanted to give you something that would resemble what it is like to CAD during the build season.

And what better way to do that than to give you something that your CAD leaders — yes, Litty, Reid, Saif, (and even Cole) — worked on during the entire 2019 build season: The Cargo Mechanism.

That's right. You will be CADding the entire cargo mechanism. 100% of it. Start to finish.

— — — Alright, enough of this talk — — —

We have given you three resources below to guide you:
1. The first is a PDF consisting of drawing files and pictures of various assembles that go into making the mechanism. CAD those first. Then, place them into a final assembly file to be constrained with each other and all of the other parts.
2. The second resource is a STEP file of the completed mechanism. Open it up in Inventor and convert it. This is essentially your parts list as well as your guide as to where and how to assemble all the parts. Just to be clear: you're not constraining this STEP file, you're just using it as reference for your own file.
3. The third is a ZIP file containing three parts that are not found in the parts library.

A few important reminders:
1. Make sure you COPY ALL PARTS into your folder before modifying any of them or placing them into your assembly!
2. Organization is KEY in this assignment. You're going to accumulate a bunch of files really quickly, and it is important that you organize them. Make folders, develop a naming scheme, or do whatever else works for you.
3. Work on everything in your folder in the server. DO NOT work on it locally on your computer and then copy it over. That will severely mess up the file.

One important note:
There may be a few measurements or constraints that just don't line up properly. That's OK. This assembly is not 100% perfect.

Final Words:
This will not be easy. It will be frustrating at times and you will get stuck. But just work through it, problem after problem. Don't fight Inventor — for example, if a constraint is messing things up, delete other constraints around it and try again. But when you finally finish CADding the mechanism, you will feel very proud.

When you’re done, submit the assignment the same way as usual. You know the drill.

Good luck, have fun, listen to some good music while you CAD, and remember we're all here if you need help! We hope you enjoyed these courses!


Lesson (None)

Visit the link below, and then click on "VersaFrame Examples." Choose a drivetrain from the list of four, it doesn't matter which one. Whichever you like.

Then, download the ZIP file, un-zip it to get the STEP file, and open it up in Inventor and convert it. Save the assembly locally, then copy all of it to your folder on the server, and then begin containing directly in the file.

When you’re done, submit the assignment the same way as usual. You know the drill.


Lesson (None)

The title says it all…nothing else to say here ;)


Page Last Updated: 12/23/19 at 8:52 PM